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What is the Bohr effect?

This effect of PH on Hb oxygen and force is called Bohr effect. Danish scientists explored the effects of changes in pH or H+ concentration and CO2 partial pressure on the ability of hemoglobin (Hb) to bind oxygen through experiments. The experimental results show that the blood PH value decreases or the PCO 2 (partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood) increases, so that the affinity of Hb to O 2 decreases. Under any PO 2 (partial pressure of oxygen in the blood), the Hb oxygen saturation decreases, and the oxygen is released The curve shifts to the right; on the contrary, the pH value increases or the PCO 2 decreases, the affinity of Hb to O 2 increases, the Hb oxygen saturation increases at any PO 2 and the oxygen ion curve shifts to the left.Simply put, the Bohr effect is: the increase of carbon dioxide concentration, the decrease of the pH value in the cell, which causes the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin in the red blood cell to decrease, and the hemoglobin releases oxygen, thereby supplementing oxygen for the cell and increasing the activity of the cell.



Deeply infusing.Hydrating and renew of the skin.
Skin whitening,improve the skin dull,dark yellow.
Stimulate skin tissue and hair follicles,Anti-aging skin,improve skin elasticity.
Deep cleaning.

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